
Upcoming Online FIX Training Session
Coming Soon

(Please note registration is inquiry based to know details on FIX Training.)

FIX Training

Let's become competent in today's global market by having knowledge of industry standard language of financial information exchange (FIX Protocol).

FIX is the industry driven messaging standard that is changing the face of the global financial service sector and becoming quintessential industry standard.

In the volatile market, financial organizations pursue new trading and investment strategies and apparently it is becoming more complex. FIXSOL services would like to offer training to achieve fluency in the industry standard language of financial information exchange (FIX Protocol).

One can achieve more efficiency in trading, support of Trading platform and sales of trading platform by having basic knowledge of FIX protocol. Developers and IT people can get more detail training program in order to support FIX based trading process. Even Account managers and sales candidates can do their jobs better by having FIX knowledge.

FIXSOL offers onsite corporate training one day program for a group as well for individual professionals' online training program. The course covers overview of FIX, FIX message types, FIX layers, FIX Engine management, FIX for different asset classes, FIX versions, client onboarding & certification overview and steps and checkpoints involved and DMA,algo & atdl.

Training course accompanied with main topics slide based explanation, revision of complex topics in interactive way, and demo for practical knowledge, and brief QA session and at the end formative assessment to gauge your knowledge. Training helps in terms of concept, specification of FIX, valid examples and practical scenarios. Reference material will make available at the end of training session with assistance in queries for following one week by mail.

Corporate Training program candidates will receive reference guide of FIX and certificate of completion. Professional Training program candidate will receive reference material with certificate of completion.

Training Program:

# Topic Details Corporate Professional
1 Fundamentals Basic overview on Trading cycles, operations involved, Participants & roles and related systems etc.
2 FIX Overview What is FIX, FIX History, benefits, concept of DMA & Algo
3 FIX Versions From FIX 2.7 to latest 5.0 SP2
4 FIX and multi asset Cash Equity, derivative, FI and FX
5 FIX Messages Message structure, Pre-Post Trade messages and Trade messages
6 FIX Layers : Network Layer Brief of Network Role in FIX
7 FIX Layer : Session Layer With Revision slot
8 FIX Layer : Application / Business Layer With Revision slot
9 Repeating Group Construction Logic, specs
10 FIX Engine Management Components, parameters and configuration
11 Unsolicited and NOE Modify Cancel and NOE
12 Client Onboarding and certification Overview, steps and checkpoints
13 Multi Leg Orders Details on Multi Leg
14 Pre and Post Trade Messages IOIs, Quotes, Market data, allocations, settlement etc.
15 DMA , Algo Trading , FIXatdl and Latency Knowledge extension

** For Corporate Group training (more than 8 members) or corporate tie-up (1 year), write to sales@fixsol.com

This FIX training session will help you understand the intricacies of FIX (Financial Information Exchange Protocol) and further leverage the concept in your workplace.

This training is recommended -

  1. If you are asked to work on FIX at your workplace with very less lead time
  2. If you plan to make a career change and move to FIX
  3. If you are working on a project which involves FIX and want to have an equal or better understanding with the vendors or other system integrators /partners/teams

Who can attend FIX Training:

- Software developer
- Product strategist
- Electronic Trading sales
- Account Managers
- Production Support candidate
- FIX Analyst
- Business Analyst
- Traders

Details & the curriculum of the Training Program


FEES - 300 USD (INR 25,000) ONLY for an intense 4 hour session

If required, Tax Invoice for Company Available

** If you don't want to register now - but want to keep updated about our training schedule, please register your mail with us at sales@fixsol.com & we will keep you updated about our training activities & other FIX updates.

Our Other Services

FIX Consultancy

FIX Consultancy

Become competent in FIX and get industry standard practices.

FIX Client Onboarding and Certification

FIX Client Onboarding and Certification

Streamline the processes and workflows.

FIX Automated Testing & Simulation

FIX Automated Testing & Simulation

Tool and services around it.

FIX Trading Platform

FIX Trading Platform

For Institutional Brokers and dealers with all key features.

FIX Connectivity Solution

FIX Connectivity Solution

FIX Adapter to connect with counterparties.

FIX Support & Maintenance

FIX Support & Maintenance

Monitoring, escalations, Bug fixes, enhancement etc.

Client Testimonials

Our Location

Fidel Softech Ltd.

Marisoft IT Park 3, 2nd Floor,

West Wing, Kalyani Nagar,

Pune-411014 (MS). India.

Phone: +91-20-49007800

Mail to: sales@fixsol.com

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